Projekat „Klimatski volonteri u našem gradu“: Poziv za dva volontera u Turskoj
U sklopu projekta ESC “Klimatski volonteri u našem gradu” u Turskoj, potrebna su 2 volontera u periodu od 1.9.2021. do 1.3.2022.. Potrebno je znanje engleskog jezika, a prijaviti se možete još sutra!
Projekat „Klimatski volonteri u našem gradu“ ima za cilj razviti društvenu svijest o klimatskoj krizi koja prijeti našoj budućnosti i budućnosti naše planete, poučavajući svakog pojedinca kako preuzeti odgovornost za svoje postupke, prenosi Mreža za izgradnju mira.
For this project, we are looking for young people between the ages of 18 and 29 with a background in volunteering and social responsibility projects. In this context, the most important criteria for selecting volunteers is to show their motivation and experience in volunteering, and at least B1 level of English language.
The reason why we do not want to set certain criteria is that this project includes a topic that concerns all of humanity. In fact, young people who have not learned about this topic before will get more in our project and the impact on them will be greater.
Travel, Food and Accommodation
Hosting organization or sending organization will buy plane tickets for selected volunteers.
The volunteer will live in a common house/apartment with other volunteers in different rooms, with a common living room, kitchen, laundry and social facilities.
Volunteers will have provided ACCOMMODATION, a monthly FOOD allowance, POCKET MONEY and LANGUAGE COURSES.
Apply HERE.