Bravo BiH: Otvoren poziv za dva učesnika iz BiH na treningu “Forging Mentor’s Powers” u Zagrebu

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Name of the project: “Forging Mentor’s Powers”
- Date of Project: 19.09.2021 – 25.09.2021.
- Hosting organization: “Syncro, Synergy Croatia”
- Sending organizations: “BRAVO“
- Place: Croatia, Zagreb
- Participants age: 18 – 30
- The number of participants: 2
- Working language: English
- Deadline for applying: 10.08.2021.
This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.
“Forging Mentor’s Powers” is a training course in Croatia focused on the development of skills and knowledge connected to the mentor’s role in the European Solidarity Corps projects.
The training design covers a 5-day intensive training for mentors, containing not just information related to the ESC programme (how it works, what the key roles of stakeholders involved are, learning process, Youthpass certificate and recognition of non- formal learning), but also the specifics of the mentoring procedure (what it is, what the tasks of an ESC mentor are, what is the mentor’s profile), as well as developing concrete mentoring skills (facilitating and supporting learning, coaching techniques, eval ation of learning outcomes, uplifting volunteer’s motivation, learning to learn, among others).
“Forging Mentor’s Powers” will, therefore, include one training course focused on offering an intensive learning and discovery experience in the mentoring process to the relevant actors in ESC projects.
Participant’s profile
A perfect match for this project are youth workers that:
- Are mentors of ESC volunteers
- Are support-persons, with a clear task of offering personal support to ESC volunteers
- Are planning to become mentors or support-persons
- Trainers
- Trainer passionate about volunteering and volunteer management, open, playful and a strong believer in non-formal education as a means of free, structured and effective learning.
- Project manager and trainer within a developing local Cultural NGO. Believes in the power of cooperation and communication within trainings and workshops which aim to quality learning and empowerment of people by sharing.
Cost and reimbursment
Please note that the amounts on the side are the maximum amounts that will be reimbursed, all the costs exceeding
these amounts should be covered by the participant as well as the costs for accommodation sustained in case you
decide to start your travel before the arrival day and after the departure day. For this reason, it is essential that you bring and keep all the original tickets and invoices of the travelling. The reimbursement is done approx. 2-3 months after the project, once you send us the originals of the tickets, filled in an evaluation form, and took part in dissemination and follow up activities.
More information here.