Infobip Summer Internship – Sarajevo

Ako razmišljate koji je najbolji način da provedete ljeto Infobip vam nudi savršeno rješenje? Iskoristite priliku i prijavite se za ljetni internship program gdje ćete dobiti priliku učiti o IT i telekom industriji, te napraviti odskočnu dasku za svoju buduću karijeru. Infobip je u potrazi za novim članovima tima, koji vjeruju da je tehnologija budućnost. 10 mladih ljudi iz cijele BiH će dobiti priliku iz prve ruke osjetiti kako izgleda raditi u internacionalnoj kompaniji sa više od 800 zaposlenih širom svijeta. Program počinje 18. jula i trajat će 4 sedmice. Nakon uspješno završenog jednomjesečnog programa, učesnici će dobiti priliku za zaposlenje. Prijavite se!


Imagine the amazing and unstoppable world of IT with its constant radical changes. Now image the opportunity to jumpstart your career in a global telecommunications company and work with a team of young, passionate professionals. Take a LEAP this summer with Infobip!

At Infobip we dream big. Last year, over half of the world’s population interacted with businesses through our platform and we are just starting. If you want to spend four weeks over the summer interning full-time in a company that transformed itself from a start up to a global brand in the world’s fastest growing industry, don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Infobip is organizing a Summer Internship, starting from 18th of July to 12th of August, where you will get an exhilarating challenge of real-world experience combined with professional skill building and cultural immersion.

More about the Internship:

  • 2 weeks of training about telecom industry followed by 2 weeks of “learning by doing”
  • Simulation of an international IT work environment
  • Passionate team of mentors dedicated to your professional development
  • Opportunity to become the next Infobipper upon successfully completing the Internship

More about you:

  • You are a bachelor graduate or a student of master program in B&H
  • You are challenged and inspired by international environment
  • You dream big and work hard to make your dreams come true
  • You are not afraid to take a LEAP (Learn-Earn-And-Progress)

Application steps:

  • Make the 1st step by sending us your CV and cover letter. We want to know more about your motivation, passion and the real you. Share your story with us!
  • The next step for successful applicants will be a task designed to trigger your imagination and allow you to showcase your skills and competencies.
  • The final step before acquiring this life-changing opportunity will be a live interview with your soon-to-be mentors.

Apply now on the following link and get involved in something great!
